Yoko Huey

BIPOC Business

Women Owned Business

Yoko Huey, MA, LMHC, EFT-Cert-1, EFT-ADV, CCHT, is a Washington State Licensed Mental Health Counselor and one of a handful of officially certified EFT practitioners in Washington state. She is also a clinical hypnotherapist. She is a standing member of the American Mental health Counselors Association and Washington Mental health Counselors Association. She has a Master’s Degree in Applied Behavioral Science with emphasis on Systems Counseling from LIOS/Bastyr University, Kenmore, WA. as well as a Master’s Degree in Linguistics from Georgetown University.

She is deeply committed to healing one person at a time with full awareness of the interconnectedness between our Mind, Body and Spirit. When any one of these is out of balance, she believes, the imbalance shows up as an emotional, mental or physical problem. Our problems are our teachers telling us to change the way we are living.

Yoko uses EFT, meridian-based tapping, to release emotional and physical blocks that keep you stuck in your current situation. Her EFT sessions are supported by her theoretical background in systems theory, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, Family Constellations Work, Guided Imagery, Inner Child Work and more.


(206) 799-6369

4500 9th Ave NE #300